Shopify order editing for Sales Teams

Convert more abandoned carts and customize wholesale orders

Use detailed customer profiles, sales commission attribution, order customizations, abandoned cart recovery, and more to help close sales.

Shopify merchants trust Cleverific

Customized sales tools for more conversions.

Sales teams deal with unique orders, like wholesale, POs, backorders, preorders, and abandoned carts. Give them the tools to convert more customers and optimize workflows with Cleverific’s suite of sales tools.

Wholesale, sales, and adjusting taxes

Cleverific makes it easy to manage your wholesale orders and even adjust taxes.

If your sales team caters to a wide range of clients to create POs, wholesale orders, or sell custom products, Cleverific is the perfect companion to optimize workflows and customize orders for fast and easy sales.

Plus, streamline your abandoned cart recovery process and access detailed customer profiles. With ecommerce businesses losing about $18 billion in sales revenue every year from cart abandonment alone, sales teams don’t just focus on wholesale and POs. Recovering abandoned carts is a powerful strategy for more sales and higher profits.

“It gives us the ability in literally less than a minute to reach back out to that customer to further engage them, answer questions and hopefully make a sale," he says. "If Cleverific didn't exist, we would still be reaching back out to people, but it would definitely take up more time during our business day. The simplicity allows us to work more efficiently.”

See how UroTuning used Cleverific to help boost their profits

Work smarter with powerful sales tools

Cleverific’s suite of sales tools lets teams simply handle complicated orders and convert more sales.

Customize wholesale orders and POs. Create Custom Fields for your orders so you can do things like attribute orders and commission to sales reps and add custom PO numbers to optimize your workflows.

Recover abandoned carts. Shopify doesn’t allow you to create orders from abandoned carts, but with Cleverific you can create draft orders to recover the sale.

More editing power. Access tools to edit any part of your Shopify order so you can be prepared for unexpected changes.

Increase customer satisfaction. Enable Customer Portal to let customers adjust their own orders and add more items after their order is placed.

Detailed customer profiles and insights. Use Customer Insights directly in your orders to see special data about your customers like AOV, total spend, previous orders, how long they’ve been a customer, and any notes or tags.

Customize payments. Collect payments for preorders and backorders, or customize order taxes so only certain items are taxed. Plus, rearrange products and line items in an order for more clarity.

Comparing your editing options

Shopify vs Cleverific for sales

Shopify’s order editing feature is a good foundation for budding businesses, but you can have more tools to help your sales team bring in more profits, all with less effort.

Features Cleverific Shopify
Add/remove items
Adjust item quantity
Access customer insights for detailed customer data
Adjust taxes per line item
Attribute commission to sales reps
Add details/instructions to custom products
Change customer details like shipping address
Add line item properties to customize orders
Automated bundle SKU expansion for easy fulfillment and accurate inventory
Promotion automation adding a sample/gift to order based on custom logic
Automatically refund full or partial orders
Edit archived orders
Add multiple products at once

 Want more info? Explore more details with the differences between Shopify native order editing vs Cleverific.

Get more out of Shopify for your sales team

  • How-to recover abandoned carts

    Close more sales and improve customer engagement when you put abandoned carts to work.

  • Power up orders with customer insights

    Forget opening extra tabs and get your customer data directly on your order.

  • Success Story Urotuning

    See how this brand was able to strike up more conversations with their customers.

Scale smarter. Let your conversion tools propel your business and team growth.